There are a couple schools of thought on bye weeks…
1) Ignore them completely! That’s our philosophy. By the time bye weeks come around things have usually changed quite a bit, so the player you selected planning to fill a bye may not be your best option. We recommend drafting the best players available, regardless of bye week, then a couple weeks before your bye look ahead a week and pick up a player with a good matchup for the week. This will keep you a week ahead of everyone else on waivers so you can get the player you want! You can even wait until just after the waiver period, then pick them up as a free agent so you don’t lose your waiver priority. As an aside, this is generally a good strategy for waiver pickups… unless it’s a really hot waiver pickup, try to pick up players after the waiver period. No reason to lose your spot in the waiver list just to switch kickers!
2) Get everyone on the same bye! If you can get your bye weeks at the same time, you’ll probably lose that week, but you’ll be at full strength most other weeks and will be playing against people who likely have someone on bye themselves and thus have a weaker lineup. This strategy sounds nice, but is much harder to do in practice!
All that said, don’t worry about bye weeks too much. Use it as a tie-breaker if choosing between a couple players, but don’t stress it too much. Plenty of time to find a replacement!